Mom's Art Show

Liz brings mom flowers. Dennis brings his red shirt.


Mom sandwiched by daughter-in-laws.


Dennis: Hmm... I dunno, mom. It looks like. . ..

Mom: No it's not. Shut up.


Liz looks about ready to break off the lens of my camera.


Dennis tries to act all grown up, but he's not fooling anyone.


Grace takes turn posing with Elena, mom, dad, and uncle Jack, then collects $20 posing fee from each.


Grace: So I asked him, how long is it anyway?

Dennis: You're sick. Go pose with someone else.


Cindy and Yoshi shows up, bearing individual slices of cake.


Cindy was my brother Michael's GF for many years. My mom still thinks of her as part of the family. This picture is my mom's wishful thinking--all three daughter-in-laws in one shot. All but one is only a figment of her imagination.


Cindy: So that's the guy who ate his foot?

Mom: Yeah...his poor mother, God bless her soul, fainted at the sight of the half-consumed foot.


Joanne, Vivian, and Liz.


That's one happy looking mom.


Dad making fun of someone.


Dad: Hehehe, did you guys see that?

Dennis: Yeah, it was pretty funny. . ..

Mom: Shut up. You two are so mean.


Omigod the estrogen squad!


Elena all by her lonesome because her hubby is running around harrassing people with his camera.


Elena: You did remember to erase those images from the memory card, right?

Me: Of course dear.


Ok, I'm done putting words into people's mouths.

Dennis: You're a fucking idiot. Put that camera away before you hurt yourself.